Da hr Sab Giu 05 2010, 16:50
pavel ha scritto:Ciao Rocco, ho chiamato circa un mese fa, ho chiamato il titolare di DP Trade, per proporgli in reso l'ASR Emitter e prendere lo 032. Mi ha detto che integrato per integrato è migliore l'Emitter e che se voglio sentire la differenza devo andare su pre e finale Burmester. Al quale però lui preferisce l'ASR Emitter II.
Tu che ne pensi? I due marchi sono molto simili come affinità, oppure..................
Ciao Pavel...Forse non ha tutti i torti il buon Paolo Brosio...Anche a mio parere non ti converrebbe passare da un ASR Emitter II ad un altro integrato, nela caso il Burmester 032...Poi sarebbero da ascoltare entrambi nello stesso sistema/ambiente e vedere come si comportano...Considero l' ASR Emitter II tra i migliori integrati in circolazione....Secondo me i due marchi, sonicamente, hanno molte cose in comune, anche se a mio parere il Burmester risulta piu' neutro e piu' dinamico....Il punto forza di Burmester e' che costruisce dei sistemi completi e questo lo rende, a ragion veduta, un marchio di elite....
In Burmester lo chiamano "system approac" che di seguito ti quoto:
"Through the years in which we have had the joy of recorded music, there have always been two approaches to solving the puzzle of reproducing this recorded music with highest fidelity. Both views have strong proponents and obvious advantages. The most common is the specialist approach. At Burmester we believe in the system approach.
The specialist approach allows for each company to devote all of their resources to solving a particular problem. The main parts of a music reproduction system are the sources, amplification, loudspeakers, and the tools (cabling & shelving) for assembling the disparate parts needed to faithfully reproduce the information on the disc. The local dealer then chooses from the available products and assembles a system to meet their customers’ needs.
The system approach asks, “What if the available components don’t match properly?” Every one of us has heard a very expensive system that, for some reason or other, just doesn’t sound right. Certainly the most dramatic mismatches occur between amplifiers and loudspeakers, but obvious mismatches aren’t the only issue.
At Burmester, we hire absolutely top quality designers for each piece in the system and then make the whole system. In this way the designer of the amplifier knows exactly the demands that the loudspeaker will make on that amplifier. The manufacturer of the source knows exactly the characteristics that the amplifier, in the output stage, needs to perfectly match the demands of the pre-amp. The source manufacturer also gets the advantage of the specialist knowledge derived from our amplifier design for the power supplies, and output stages, of our source components. The cables can be matched ideally. Proper support will be provided for equipment and speakers. We even have our own power management system. Like a fine instrument, our components can be fine tuned as parts of the whole.
The system approach only works, by the way, if the system manufacturer can excel in every portion of the system. Like a fine symphony orchestra, an ultra precise Swiss watch, or a high performance automobile, each and every part must be of the highest possible caliber and MUST be able to perform brilliantly ON ITS OWN. Then each component is optimized to work as a single device with its matching components.
At Burmester we believe this so strongly, we go to the extent of making our own screws. In other words, we spare NO effort in our pursuit of achieving the most excellent result possible by making the most excellent components we know how, and then fine tuning the system from those parts.
From the timeless elegance of our design, to the superb fit and finish and the superlative musical performance, if music is important to you, we urge you to hear our systems. We think you’ll agree they’re the best you’ve heard".Ultima modifica di hr il Sab Giu 05 2010, 16:58 - modificato 1 volta.