per i piu' tecnici curiosoni
riporto una parte di una discussione col franzoso, e' in inglese sorry non mi va di tradurre, spero sia chiaro.... qui non si paralva esplicitamente del progetto 845, ma i concetti sono gli stessi. stavo decidendo se usare gli hashimoto per il mio nuovo 2A3, alla fine ho deciso per il multitap ad hoc (molto piu' costoso btw....)
The HL20K6 as its name indicates is specified 20K: 600 (2X10K at the primary and 2x300R at the secondary). Mine are made on specs with a gap of 50mA.
The possible combinations are as follows:
- 2 winding of 10K mounted in series at the primary give us 20K
- 2 winding of 10K mounted in parallel to the primary give us 5K
- 2 winding of 300R mounted In series at the secondary give us 600R
- 2 winding of 300R mounted in parallel to the secondary give us 150R
It must not be forgotten that a transformer reflects to the primary the load that there is to the secondary by a factor n2.
N2 being the transformation ratio.
For an Odin headset, the impedance module is 35 ohms; This represents the 'value of the load' at the secondary that will be seen by the power tube. What is this load value:
- If the two primers are in series and the two secondary ones are in parallel (20000/150), n2 = Zp / Zs, so Zp = n2 x Zs = 133,33x35 = 4666,66 ohms. It's perfect. Under this load of 4700 ohms, with a high voltage of 250V and a current of 45mA, the output power is 2.8W measures to support.
For a Focal headset (NB si parlava della Utopia), the impedance module is 80 ohms. If the two primary are in series and the two secondary ones are in series (20000/600), n2 = Zp / Zs, so Zp = n2 x Zs = 33.33x80 = 2666.4 ohms. It's perfect. Under this load of 2700 ohms, with a high voltage of 250V and a current of 45mA, the output power is 3.8W measures to support. It's better to have a little more power for the Focal after the returns I got.
Ultima modifica di phaeton il Gio Gen 26 2017, 05:55 - modificato 1 volta.